Like many of us, Robert and Sarah received a stimulus check earlier this year. When they talked about what to do with it, they agreed there are people in the community who could use the money more than they could, so they decided to donate their stimulus check.

They decided they wanted to help someone impacted by the pandemic, particularly a first responder or nurse, and a landlord struggling to make ends meet due to their tenants inability to pay rent.
Robert and Sarah were referred to the Front Door Agency where they donated their stimulus check. Their generous donation was put to use right away. Rebecca, a single mother of two employed as an LNA, had recently reached out to us for assistance with her rent. She got injured at work and was out for almost a month.
When she returned to work, she was put on light duty and her hours were reduced, leaving her behind on bills and struggling to make ends meet.
Our Housing Stability Program Manager helped Rebecca create a plan to pay back part of what she owed, and Robert and Sarah’s donation helped cover the rest. Their donation not only helped a young mother and her children avoid eviction, but also supported Rebecca’s landlord who would have gone without the rental income he relies on.
Please help us thank Robert and Sarah for their generosity! Donating their stimulus check was a creative way to give back to the community and help other hardworking families that could use a hand-up opportunity to get back on their feet. Please click the button below to make your own gift to support our mission in Greater Nashua. Click here to learn more about our Housing Stability Program.