Gifts of Retirement Assets
Help Further Our Mission
Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan, is a great way to make a gift to the Front Door Agency.
If you are like most people, you probably won’t use all of your retirement assets during your lifetime. Your gift of unused retirement assets will help further our mission to help families in Greater Nashua.
Questions? Want to learn more?
Contact Nicole at
Your anonymity will always be respected if requested.

Thank you for investing in our community’s future!
How does it work?
To make a gift of retirement assets to the Front Door Agency, you will need to complete a beneficiary designation form provided by your retirement plan custodian.
If you are over 70½, you are required to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts. But what if you do not need those funds?
If you would rather not declare the income, and you would like to make a difference in the community, there is a solution!
You can direct the custodian of your IRA account to contribute up to $100,000 to the Front Door as a “Qualified Charitable Contribution.” The funds will go immediately to the vital work of the Front Door, and you will not have to declare those funds as taxable income.
If you are reviewing your estate plans, consider leaving all or part of your retirement assets to the Front Door and other charitable organizations.
If you hold traditional qualified IRAs, 401(k)s, or other retirement assets where the income tax was deferred, your heirs will be responsible for paying income tax after they inherit those funds. You would do well to discuss with your advisors how to leave your heirs different, non-taxable funds, while designating the Front Door as the beneficiary for a percentage of your retirement funds.
As a charitable organization, the Front Door would not have to pay taxes on tax-deferred retirement funds. All of your assets would go to work for the people and causes you care about the most.