Families Climb Higher Thanks to Wells Fargo
“I went to school, earned my LNA license successfully, found a job, and I keep climbing. Everything is an uphill battle, but I can do it! I provide for my kids and will continue to thrive, thanks to the Front Door!”
Domestic violence affects women from all different backgrounds. Clarissa suffered for years until she had the courage and strength to leave…for the sake of not only herself but for her two young children as well. Leaving her abuser was the first step on a long road to having a better life. Clarissa and her children were homeless until they found the Front Door Agency. Her time at the Front Door has meant many things to her…but it has especially meant hope.
Finding out about the Front Door’s Transformational Housing Program gave her hope, which allowed her to accept herself and most importantly, do. Today she lives in one of the Agency’s apartments where both of her children have their own rooms. They are able to live safely, comfortably and affordably–one less worry for Clarissa. She attends therapy, joined support groups and sought the help of doctors. She went to school and successfully earned her LNA license, found a job, and she continues to keep climbing higher….
With the support of organizations like Wells Fargo, Clarissa has access to education and services to help her on her journey to a better life. Thank you Wells Fargo for your $10,000 grant in support of our Transformational Housing Program—your past and current support means our clients will continue to climb because of you!!