“For the first time in my life, I have goals and I am well on my way to reaching them.” Upon completion of the Master Electrician program, Alyssa hopes to become a project manager with her current employer.

The Front Door Agency is pleased to announce the launch of its annual fundraiser to help local families overcome and avoid homelessness. In its 36th year, the Agency is one of the largest providers of prevention assistance in the Greater Nashua area. As more families and individuals are experiencing the threat of homelessness than in previous years, the Front Door Agency is proud to have assisted nearly 1,700 people in the community last year.
As the demand for services continues to increase, the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute estimates 7.3% of New Hampshire residents live below the poverty threshold. This statistic coupled with the statewide rental vacancy rate of <1% indicates the Agency’s services are more critical than ever. Alyssa, a single mother with two young boys recently found herself in a series of unfortunate situations, resulting in homelessness. Alyssa applied to the Front Door Agency’s Transformational Housing Program and was accepted.
“Here, the staff provided me with the structure I needed. They helped me set realistic goals and understand the importance of furthering my education, saving money, and working towards a career I enjoyed that would allow me to support myself and my boys,” said Alyssa. “Without their affordable housing, there’s no way I would be able to afford my own apartment while paying for childcare and all my other living expenses. For the first time in my life, I have goals and I am well on my way to reaching them.” Upon completion of the Master Electrician program, Alyssa hopes to become a project manager with her current employer.
“As we move past the pandemic, we continue to see an elevated demand for our services,” said Maryse Wirbal, CEO of the Front Door Agency. “With rent prices skyrocketing and the continued threat of inflation, families are finding it more difficult to make ends meet, and some are losing their homes. Our programs help keep people in their homes and help those who have lost their homes use the resources available through the Agency to find their way back to self-sufficiency.”
Last year, the Front Door Agency provided services that helped families in crisis stabilize their lives and work toward becoming more independent. Support of the Agency is an investment in the community, and in the families and children we serve.
Here’s what a gift provides:
- $50 covers transportation costs for a single mother to get to and from work or school for a month.
- $100 provides new bedding, towels, and basic toiletries for a homeless family living in our Norwell Home.
- $500 can help a family in crisis with back rent, avoiding homelessness and separation.
- $1,000 helps cover utilities and keeps our housing facilities comfortable and safe for families.
- $2,500 provides housing and dedicated case management for a family we serve.
- $5,000 provides scholarships to single mothers committed to furthering their education.