What’s New?

Meet Our Newest Board Members

Meet Our Newest Board Members

Our Board members are critical to the foundation of The Front Door Agency, ensuring the smooth execution of our mission. They are entrusted with establishing essential policies, contributing invaluable expertise from their diverse fields, and meticulously overseeing budget approvals. Their commitment to excellence ensures the utmost care in guiding The Front Door Agency. Yet, their dedication extends far beyond these responsibilities. They generously volunteer their time and expertise in numerous other capacities within the agency.

36º Festival Gourmet Anual e Leilão Arrecada $260k para Ajudar a Combater a Falta de Moradia na Grande Nashua

36º Festival Gourmet Anual e Leilão Arrecada $260k para Ajudar a Combater a Falta de Moradia na Grande Nashua

The Front Door Agency is pleased to announce the launch of its annual fundraiser to help local families overcome and avoid homelessness. In its 36th year, the Agency is one of the largest providers of prevention assistance in the Greater Nashua area. As more families and individuals are experiencing the threat of homelessness than in previous years, the Front Door Agency is proud to have assisted nearly 1,700 people in the community last year.

Lutando contra a falta de moradia - a história de Alyssa

Lutando contra a falta de moradia - a história de Alyssa

The Front Door Agency is pleased to announce the launch of its annual fundraiser to help local families overcome and avoid homelessness. In its 36th year, the Agency is one of the largest providers of prevention assistance in the Greater Nashua area. As more families and individuals are experiencing the threat of homelessness than in previous years, the Front Door Agency is proud to have assisted nearly 1,700 people in the community last year.

Conhecendo o novo Conselho de Administração

Conhecendo o novo Conselho de Administração

Why we love our Board members  Our Board members are a large part of the backbone that makes up The Front Door Agency. They make sure that the mission of the Agency is carried out as smoothly as possible, such as by setting the proper policies, offering expertise from...

7 profissionais locais fazem parte da diretoria da Front Door Agency

7 profissionais locais fazem parte da diretoria da Front Door Agency

O Conselho de Administração da Front Door Agency supervisiona todas as atividades da agência e nos orienta em direção a um futuro sustentável. Estamos entusiasmados em dar as boas-vindas a sete novos profissionais locais na diretoria este ano! Derek Bruinooge é executivo de contas da Eaton &...

34th Annual Gourmet Festival & Auction Raises $238k for the Agency!

34th Annual Gourmet Festival & Auction Raises $238k for the Agency!

O tema do Festival Gourmet e Leilão deste ano, "Better Together" (Melhores juntos), descreveu apropriadamente a primeira arrecadação de fundos presencial da Agência em dois anos. "Este é o 35º aniversário da Agency, por isso foi particularmente significativo comemorarmos juntos novamente", disse a CEO Maryse...