
Three Phases

Our housing units provide shelter for mothers and children who face homelessness. We also strive to provide our residents with a sense of community spirit and a true sense of home.


Norwell-150x150Norwell Home (8 units) is a shared housing facility located in North Nashua and serves as an entry point for families. This home provides each family with a suite of two rooms and bath for privacy, yet provides the opportunity to form relationships with other women of similar situations by coming together and sharing kitchen, living and recreation areas. This phase is the most intense– offering staff supervision 24/7; and comprehensive case management. Emphasis is given on life skills, time management, parenting supports, and therapy while developing an educational plan. It provides a sense of structure and security to women and children who have lived in chaos prior to entering our program due to homelessness.


CStreet2-150x150Offers independent 2 and 3 bedroom units for families who have shown growth while residing at the Norwell. These affordable housing units are the next step towards full independence. Residents are still working towards achieving their educational goals and/or working. Residents can remain in these units for up to two years. Caroline’s House (4 units) provides 2 & 3 bedroom units with a wonderful fenced in yard. Victory House (5 units) provides 2 & 3 bedroom units with onsite parking, and a great fenced-in play yard for the children. Concord Street site (1 unit), located next to our main office, offers a large unit for families with 3 or more children.


Ribbon-Cutting-Amherst-Street-0381-150x150Amherst Site (2 units) is available for those women who have graduated from their educational program and who are entering the workforce, but still just need a little extra support. It provides the next level of independence and rents are still affordable but are now closer to market rents, preparing them for the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.