Security Deposit Assistance

PLEASE NOTE: we are currently unable to accept any new security deposit loan requests at this time due to funding constraints.
However, we may be able to provide additional resources to you. Please call our office at 603-886-2866. While we can’t guarantee services from other organizations, but may be able to provide guidance and other assistance. Please check back regularly for updates.

Permanent housing gives families a sense
of security and stability. Are you ready to take
the next step toward a brighter future?

À propos du programme

The Housing Security Guarantee Program (HSGP) and Homeless Housing and Access Revolving Loan Fund (HHARLF) are designed to provide security deposit assistance to eligible New Hampshire households if they have no other means of obtaining a security deposit, in order to secure rental housing.

The HSGP was established in 1995 by the New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), Bureau of Homeless & Housing Services, as an attempt to eliminate homelessness. The Bureau is the administrator of the program, and it contracts with various non-profits and Community Action Programs around the state to run the program for specific geographic locations. The Front Door Agency is the contractor for Southern Hillsborough County in New Hampshire.

Please note that this is NOT an emergency housing program. The process can take 5 working days from the time completed applications are submitted. Contact your local welfare office if emergency housing is needed.

Notre zone de service

In addition to Nashua residents, we are able to assist those living in the following New Hampshire towns: Amherst, Brookline, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, Lyndeborough, Mason, Merrimack, Milford, Mt. Vernon, New Ipswich, Pelham, Peterborough, Sharon, Temple and Wilton.

How the Program Works

The HSGP provides guarantees of rental security deposits to eligible persons. This is an interest free loan program with a guarantee to the Landlord that, in the event of a default, they will be reimbursed the amount of the security deposit. The tenant will be responsible to make monthly payments over a 12-24 month period interest free to the Front Door Agency, and when the amount is paid in full, the funds will be transferred to the Landlord to hold as the tenant’s security deposit. Assistance is provided via a voucher for the Landlord and a LOAN to the client. The Landlord does NOT receive cash up front.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a loan, applicants MUST:

  • Not currently be living in the apartment or storing belongings in the apartment
  • Not currently have an outstanding loan with the Front Door Agency
  • Have the ability to maintain the monthly housing costs (rent & utilities)
  • Have the ability to repay the loan within 12-24 months
  • Provide good Landlord references
  • Have a household income below the following HUD Area Median Income (AMI) limit of 50%
HUD Area Median Income (AMI) Limits for 2021/2022— Southern Hillsborough County

Income Limit














50% of  AMI $38,400 $43,850 $49,350 $54,800 $59,200 $63,600

Reasons for denial include:

– Applicant has taken possession of the apartment before applying for the loan

– Incomplete application and/or missing documentation

– Failure to meet income guidelines

– Rent on apartment exceeds 50% of net household income

– History of damaging rental housing

– History of consistently failing to pay rent

– Failure to make payments on a prior HSGP loan

If you have found an apartment and need assistance with a security deposit loan, please complete the application below or contact our office at 603-886-2866 for more information.